Q: My husband has $330 deducted from his pay each month pre-tax, so the actual cost to him is approx $250. Am I obligated to pay him 50% of the gross premium or $165, or 50% of the actual cost after taxes which would result in $125?
A: David's Answer: The issue is the actual cost to cover your son in addition to his other costs. It's that number you would be dividing by 2. Schedule a consult with a child support lawyer in your area. -- David Bliven, Westchester Child Support attorney (www.blivenlaw.net)
1 - Is shared custody pursuant to an order - or just informal agreement?
The first analysis is whether the shared custody arrangement is pursuant to court order, or just by a mutual, informal agreement. If it's pursuant to court order, then you can skip to the 2d section below. If it's pursuant to informal agreement, then you're best advised to start keeping track of the days (& even hours of those days) the child is with you. Reason being: if there's a dispute later on about whether you do indeed shared custody, then at least you have something in writing to corroborate same. You should also begin confirming the days you'll have the child with the other parent in writing. As an example, you can send a calendar to the other parent for the next month marking off "M" or "F" on the days to designate which days the child will be with you versus the other parent. In the end, you're best advised to file a petition for shared custody & get the arrangement confirmed via court order.