Saturday, May 17, 2014

The noncustodial parent owes you 40,000 in Child support and he's has a lawsuit against the city. Will the support be paid first

Q:  I violated him for not paying child support twice the first time judge award me a money judgement. With a lean and 9%interest. The child support recovered 3,000 of it from a bank account. Second time he stop showing up so the judge issue. A warrant. So now he's in the papers and suing NYPD and The City. I want to know what I should do to make sure that my child support is paid in full. I called his lawyer He would sign something because he doesn't want it to come out he's a deadbeat. But He only has is best interest not my son's. Help please single mother can't afford a lawyer for hire. I'm not on public assist every penny counts.

A:  David's Answer:  I'm not sure from this posting what you're trying to do, other than the obvious (collect support from him). If his lawyer is trying to get you to sign something, you're best advised to bring the paperwork into a lawyer to review same before you sign it. Call a Child Support lawyer in your area to schedule a consult.   -- David Bliven, Westchester Child Support attorney (

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